ACMOS Method diagram

Energy Balancing Therapy

The next evolution in Energy Medicine and Acupuncture, ACMOS is a scientifically based and clinically verified healing therapy that provides a number of benefits over other established treatment options.

What is the ACMOS Method?

This advanced bioenergetic therapy combines science, technology, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to effectively restore health. The ACMOS Method works by precisely reading the specific energetic signals of your body, thus providing a pattern of information that is unique to you.

We humans are biological entities composed of energy! And our energy needs to be in balance in order to enjoy good health.

Why aren't we always in balance?

For your answer, think of the tensions, pressures, and emotional upheavals of our every-day life. Our marvellous intelligent body, when faced with an energy imbalance, always seeks to re-establish its overall balance by managing the circulation of energy at the acupuncture points. It does this by controlling the energy flow — by blocking it, by switching it off, by slowing it down, or by accelerating it.

But sometimes our body needs help.

How does ACMOS re-establish balance?

The different fields of electro-magnetic energy are measured and analyzed at the acupuncture points within your body. These measurements give precise information of the physical, emotional and psychological health of your body's cells, allowing the therapist to then re-balance and re-establish the symmetry of your energetic fields.

What happens during a treatment?

You will be seated, and we recommend wearing comfortable every-day clothing. Marcel will first assess your body's balance. After your body indicates what it needs, he will choose the correct balancing agents, following a strict protocol. After the treatment, he will again assess you to ensure that your body is now in balance. Although acupuncture points are utilized in the balancing process, no needles are used, and you do not ingest anything.

Incidentally, this unique healing method is only available in Western Canada through Marcel Mallette at Mountain Acupuncture & Laser Therapy.

How many treatments do I need?

With ACMOS, the therapeutic results last up to ten times longer than acupuncture . Whereas acupuncture treatments must be ongoing, ACMOS energy balancing is a quick adjustment, often required only once or twice a year, that re-sets the body’s energy flow and re-establishes its ability to self-heal . Many patients report feeling an immediate change in physiology and psychology after an ACMOS energy balancing session – as if someone has “turned the lights back on” – and in effect, that is what happens, as bioenergetics circuitry is systematically reconnected.

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